Black Ridge
Black Ridge (previously Carlin-East) is a Carlin-Type gold exploration project located within the prolific Carlin Trend. The project area straddles Eureka and Elko counties in Nevada and is comprised of 422 contiguous federal lode claims and fee lands totaling 35 km² of mineral rights. Historic and currently producing mines nearby include the Goldstrike, Leeville-Turf, Meikle-Rodeo, and Genesis-Bluestar operations. Exploration over the past 30 years was sporadic and restricted to gravity geophysics, surface geochemistry and shallow drilling (<1000′) that never reached its intended Lower Plate target. Ridgeline’s 2019 drilling program confirmed its conceptual Lower Plate model with the first hole (CE19-001) by intersecting anonymously altered and mineralized Rodeo Creek Formation (Lower Plate) host rocks at 790 vertical meters. Nevada Gold Mines announced the Fallon (previously North Leeville) discovery in Q2, 2020 which is directly on-trend of both Leeville-Turf and Carlin-East. Ridgelines 2021 drill program comprised of 3,000m across three wide spaced core holes will test the Crash Zone target area over a strike length of approximately 1km along the projection of the Four Corners fault zone, structural host to the Fallon discovery located 3.5km to the south.
On July 17 2023, the company announce that it had entered into a transaction with Nevada Gold Mines LLC (“NGM” or “Nevada Gold Mines”), a joint venture between Barrick Gold Corp. and Newmont Corp., pursuant to which NGM can incur a minimum of US$ 4.5 million (of which US$ 1.5 million is guaranteed) in qualifying work expenditures over an initial five-year term to earn an initial 60% interest in Carlin-East. NGM will retain further options to increase its interest to a total 75% interest. NGM has assumed operatorship of the project immediately with highlights of the earn-in below:

Quick Facts
Deposit Type
exploration target
High-Grade Gold – Silver (underground target)
previous explorers
Newmont, Navaho Gold, Genesis Gold
Historic Production/Resource
Soil sample grid, rock chips, ridge & spur samples
Gravity Survey, PRJ airborne magnetics
Upper Plate Vinini Formation overlying Lower Plate Rodeo Creek, Popovich and Roberts Mountain formations.
1:24,000 scale USGS map, reconnaissance outcrop mapping
2019 program – 1,400m (2 hole) RC program intersected altered and anomalously mineralized Lower Plate Rodeo Creek @ 790m vertical meter in hole CE19-001. Newmont data unavailable (<300 m holes)